UTF-8, XML, HTML Character-Entities
UTF-8 Char Descr HTML-Entity UTF-8 Char Descr HTML-Entity UTF-8 Char Descr HTML-Entity
   nbsp  ¡ ¡iexcl¡
¢ ¢cent¢ £ £pound£ ¤ ¤curren¤
¥ ¥yen¥ ¦ ¦broken bar¦ § §section §
¨ ¨diaeresis¨ © ©copyright© ª ªfeminine ordinal indicatorª
« « left-pointing double angle quotation mark« ¬ ¬not sign¬ ­ ­soft hyphen­
® ®registered® ¯ ¯macron¯ ° °degree°
± ±plus-minus± ² ²superscript 2² ³ ³superscript 3³
´ ´acute´ µ µmicroµ ¶ pilcrow¶
· ·middle dot· ¸ ¸cedilla¸ ¹ ¹superscript 1¹
º ºmasculine ordinal indicatorº » »right-pointing double angle quotation mark» ¼ ¼1/4¼
½ ½1/2½ ¾ ¾3/4¾ ¿ ¿inverted question mark¿
À Àlatin capital letter A with graveÀ Á Álatin capital letter A with acuteÁ Â Âlatin capital letter A with circumflexÂ
à Ãlatin capital letter A with tildeÃ Ä Älatin capital letter A with diaeresisÄ Å Ålatin capital letter A with ring aboveÅ
Æ Ælatin capital letter AEÆ Ç Çlatin capital letter C with cedillaÇ È Èlatin capital letter E with graveÈ
É Élatin capital letter E with acuteÉ Ê Êlatin capital letter E with circumflexÊ Ë Ëlatin capital letter E with diaeresisË
Ì Ìatin capital letter I with graveÌ Í Íatin capital letter I with acuteÍ Î Îlatin capital letter I with circumflexÎ
Ï Ïlatin capital letter I with diaeresisÏ Ð Ðlatin capital letter ETHÐ Ñ ÑN with tildeÑ
Ò ÒO with graveÒ Ó ÓO with acuteÓ Ô ÔO with circumflexÔ
Õ ÕO with tildeÕ Ö ÖO with diaeresisÖ × ×multiplication×
Ø ØO with strokeØ Ù ÙU with graveÙ Ú ÚU with acuteÚ
Û ÛU with circumflexÛ Ü ÜU with diaeresisÜ Ý ÝY with acuteÝ
Þ ÞTHORNÞ ß ßsharp sß à àa with graveà
á áa with acuteá â âa with circumflexâ ã ãa with tildeã
ä äa with diaeresisä å åa with ring aboveå æ æaeæ
ç çc with cedillaç è èe with graveè é ée with acuteé
ê êe with circumflexê ë ëe with diaeresisë ì ìi with graveì
í íi with acuteí î îi with circumflexî ï ïi with diaeresisï
ð ðethð ñ ñn w tildeñ ò òo with graveò
ó óo with acuteó ô ôo with circumflexô õ õo with tildeõ
ö öo with motörö ÷ ÷division÷ ø øo with str/okeø
ù ùu with graveù ú úu with acuteú û ûu with circumflexû
ü üu with diaeresisü ý ýy with acuteý þ þthornþ
ÿ ÿy with diaeresisÿ

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(cc) 2008 Thomas Amm